Monday 5 November 2012

Remember, Remember the 5th of November

I'm sure everyone knows it is bonfire night tonight, so i just wanted to begin my blog with a bang! (haha get it?) As we all know bonfire night is an explosion of fireworks and is a gathering that brings everyone together; where everyone wraps up like parcels to keep warm against the cold air. The whole experience always gives me that warm, wintery feeling and i love nothing more than being wrapped up cosy. But the one thing that never stops is the feeling I get stood under the colourful night sky. My heart swells and i start to get an overwhelming feeling of emotion that brings me close to tears and at that point there is nothing more that i want to do than be in the arms of the one i love.
This year my family decided to go and see the fireworks in Longleat. I must say, if you have never been to see this or if you are ever nearby I highly recommend it! The fireworks were by far the best i have seen so far for bonfire night, I was hugely impressed. The music played was a mix of animal themed songs, and the finale was played to 'The Circle of Life' from the Lion King. The production team timed the rockets to bang in time with the music and they varied the fireworks between small sizzlers and huge bangs I cannot do this night justice, but you can definitely tell that a huge amount of effort was put into making this night spectacular. My hat goes up to the team at Longleat, thankyou very much!

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